1 min read

What the Heck is Plex?

What the Heck is Plex?
Photo by Alistair MacRobert / Unsplash


So Mr.Adhd invited you to plex; now what...

First things first, check this page to make sure Plex is working:
This page

All green? Great!

Plex is red? Oof, email [email protected]

Accept the invation!

Check your email:
You should have received an email from plex.tv with your very own custom link!

After clicking that link you will be prompted to make a plex account.
Follow the steps to create the account and you should be in!

Now what?!

Well you should be looking at something like this:

Well... That's a bit overwellming BUT You Got this!

All you need to do is go to the MORE button, shown here
under the tab you'll have to add

It's working!

Now is time to watch!
Stay tuned for the next article on how to suggest stuff to get added to Plex!

Any Questions!?!
Email [email protected]